
General information

Postural control can be assessed from the adaptive mechanism of the central nervous system in different conditions. Posturography investigates postural control from the reaction of the center of pressure of the individuals being examined in situations of increasing complexity.

Our application

We have developed a computerized static posturography tool that is interfaced using the low-cost Nintendo Wii Balance Board and incorporates three tests: the modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance, the Limits of Stability, and the Rhythmic Weight Shift.

Equipment required

  • Windows computer with enabled Bluetooth connection
  • Wii Balance Board

User instructions

  • Download and unzip our posturography tool
  • Run the application
  • Follow the instructions to connect the Wii Balance Board to you computer
  • Run the test

Investigated population

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple sclerosis (ongoing)

Related studies

  • R. Llorens, J. Latorre, E. Noe, E.A. Keshner. Posturography using the Wii Balance Board: A feasibility study with healthy adults and adults post-stroke. Gait & Posture, 2016. 43: 228-232.
  • I. Alvarez, J. Latorre, M. Aguilar, P. Pastor, R. Llorens. Validity and sensitivity of instrumented postural and gait assessment using low-cost devices in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2020. 17 (1): 1-10