
General information

Hand mobility and coordination are indirectly assessed in tests of hand functions and grasping during functional tasks. Specific and accurate assessment of these abilities is specially challenging given the complexity of the hand anatomy and the lack of dedicated tests.

Our application

We have developed a computerized tool that assesses hand mobility and coordination using a Tablet. The developed tool includes instrumented tests of the mobility of the fingers and oculo-manual coordination and graphomotricity tests.

Equipment required

  • Windows 10 or Android multi-touch device (Devices with a 10” screen might not be large enough to assess the maximum extension of the fingers)

User instructions

  • Download our hand assessment tool
  • Run the test
  • Download and unzip our hand assessment tool
  • Run the application
  • Run the test

Investigated population

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson's disease (ongoing)
  • Multiple sclerosis (ongoing)

Related studies

  • S. Mollà-Casanova, R. Llorens, A. Borrego, B. Salinas-Martínez, P. Serra-Añó. Validity, reliability, and sensitivity to motor impairment severity of a multi-touch app designed to assess hand mobility, coordination, and function after stroke. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2021. 18 (1): 70.